Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sleepless Nights Will Affect You, Your Health and Your Wealth

Research has shown that most adults do not get enough sleep. On average you should get no less than 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night. The concern about not getting enough sleep is that the next day you may pay for it with a headache, irritiability, fatigue, memory loss, reduced attention span, and poor comprehension and attention span. In addition over time sleep deprivation can lead to potentially serious medical conditions.

Medical experts have stated that suffuicent sleep ranks up there with a healthy height/weight ratio and physical activity, as noted in an article in the Annals of Internal Medicine, in terms of its effects on a individual's health. Some sleep researches suggest that daytime sleepiness should be considered as important a vital sign as high blood pressure or rapid heart beats.

Our over worked, overscheduled society bears much of the blame. Lack of sleep will affect your productivty at work and in life. A significant number of sleep deprived individuals have health conditions that prevent them from getting the proper sleep they need. As per the National Institutes of Health, and estimated 10% to 15% of the U.S population has chronic insomnia. Chronic insomnia is defined as the inability to get to sleep or stay asleep or early awakening. Another 5% of the popualtion suffers from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea means that the individual stops breathing for brief periods during sleep. Another 5% of individuals are wakened by restless leg syndrome. However, for the average individual the cause of sleeplessness is usually due to stress.

Stress can lead to certain illnesses if it is not recognized and decreased. As you can see lack of sleep can have serious consequences for You, Your Health and Your Wealth. Each year fatigue contributes to 100,000 highway accidents which unfortunately includes 1,500 deaths. One research study stated that getting only a few hours of sleep resulted in driving impairment which equals several alcoholic drinks. Your reaction time is also 50 % slower then those who get the required amount of sleep.

Lack of sleep can raise blood pressure, cause weight gain,increase your heart rate, lead to hormonal imbalances, heart disease, the development of type 2 diabetes, a depressed immune system, mood disturbances and psychiatric disorders. In addition up to 40% of individuals with chronic insomnia suffer from clinical depression.

Sufficient sleep is necessary for a healthier you. You , Your Health and Your Wealth are dependent on it. Invest in Yourself everyday.

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